Monday, January 16, 2012

To those who went before.

Today is a day that I owe a lot of thanks. When I was little I didn't know the impact Dr. King would have on my life directly. Now, with three children from Ethiopia and living near the south, I can feel his impact. I hope my life reflects the gratitude I feel towards the sacrifice he made.

Besides Dr. King there are so many others who have gone before me. My parents moved to Columbus and back proving that the Midwest isn't flat and that you can travel off of it and survive. Now my passport looks as worn as my Bible.

Grandma Ness read her 128 font Bible and loved her God. I prayed that I would learn to love Him too. I believe I'm on that path.

Grandma Lamb found as much joy at Michael's as she would have at Disney World. She could make the mundane memorable. I'm not there, but I can aspire to it (minus the whole love for Michael's thing.)

Generations of people fought for their own equality. At the same time their contemporaries fought that others would have the rights that they themselves enjoyed. People have lived out what was put before them without letting fear or normalcy paralyze them.

Church fathers and mothers fought to love those God Led them towards. Some gave their lives in death. Others gave their life in service.

The apostles faced their own failures and believed they were who God said that they were, not what they had done.

Christ gave everything so that I could know the taste of life, joy, peace and patience. Who am I to deserve all of this?

I don't stand alone. I stand within the story of all of those who went before me and now journey beside me. May we hunger for the kingdom as Dr. King did. May this world never satisfy. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done.